A screenshot of what looks like a newspaper for theater and concerts from Helsinki in 1898. It's a photograph of my great grandfather Adolf, taken by Daniel Nyblin. It's from the Finnish National Library Digital Collection. You can see it better here, and enlarge it. I found out about it from Daniel Nyblin's descendent Marten Mickos. Marten writes:
"BTW, here is a great search engine in Finland:
It has most Finnish newspapers from a long time ago digitized.
If you search for "Adolf Paul" you'll get a lot of hits. At that time, most newspapers were in Swedish so you may need somebody to help you translate the texts.
This page from 1898 is great:
It shows a portrait of Adolf Paul (taken by Daniel Nyblin) with the caption (in an approximate translation): "We rush to present to the audience the portrait of the author Adolf Paul, whose play King Christan II has had such phenomenal success - success pyramidale."
Incidentally, the page also shows an ad by Daniel Nyblin."
Thanks again, Martin. The design of these pages is fantastic.